Find Me! Book
About the Book

This illustrated search and find book follows a handful of characters through various adventures. It was meant to be a handmade gift for our little sister's birthday. We wanted it to be a nice quality book, and not just a stapled pile of papers. During the hard times of COVID-19 we decided make the book accessible to anyone, so we had copies made of the 11 pages we illustrated, all bound in a nice book. We hope readers find joy in the adventures in this book give while sheltering in place. Stay healthy!
Inside the Book

Each color-rich page contains pen drawings filled with illustration markers. Each of us, with our mom's help, added elements of hobbies and interests that remind us of our sister, Olivia. The characters in the book each unfold their own adventure. Beside each illustrated page is a short list of items you can find. This book is ideal for young children and fun for adults as well. Imagination is endless!
The Characters

We developed a handful of characters you will find throughout the book. Additionally you will find interesting objects and fun scenes that belong and don't belong in the scene.
Meddi Tate is a a peaceful yoga-loving cat.
Bongo Pattel is a creature who seeks adventure and friends.
Bella Von Veggie is a mother rabbit who loves taking her baby bunny to fun outings.
Jay Zen is a cardinal with an identity crisis.
You might know someone these characters remind you of!
Our Cause

Sharing this children's book with others we wanted to make good quality hard-bound books that would be a perfect addition to anyone's bookshelves. We decided we would sell the book and donate the proceeds to our school. Since shelter in place canceled so many of our school fundraising events, we thought we could help them out with our book sales from this Find Me: Birthday Edition book.
Our mother also has information to read more about fundraising for school enrichment programs such as art, music, dance, Life Lab garden learning, and the library. Check it out!
Buy the Book
We are selling a limited first edition of hard cover books and are taking pre-sale orders for a second edition.
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Pre-Sale orders taken until June 16, 2020.
Days Left to Pre-Order:
The Illustrators